There are a lot of people who view getting their wisdom teeth taken out as a rite of passage. At the same time, why do your wisdom teeth need to be removed? At Smile Dental Clinic, in Battle Creek, Michigan, we have seen numerous complications of leaving wisdom teeth unremoved. Learn more about getting your wisdom teeth taken out.
A few signs could indicate that your wisdom teeth need to come out. They include:
If it is time for your wisdom teeth to come out, we will take a set of x-rays and develop a comprehensive treatment plan.
There are a variety of complications that could result from leaving your wisdom teeth in. One of the most significant complications is wisdom teeth impaction. Essentially, your wisdom teeth will become trapped within your jaw. As a result, you could develop a severe infection and gum disease.
Or, a cyst could grow in your mouth, leading to other complications. There is also a chance that your wisdom teeth could damage the roots of your surrounding teeth. Eventually, your wisdom teeth could damage your jaw, and the best way to deal with these issues is to prevent them from happening.
Count on our team to help you remove your wisdom teeth.
We understand that you may have questions about getting your wisdom teeth removed, and at Smile Dental Clinic, Dr. Gaball is always available to assist you. If you would like to learn more about getting your wisdom teeth taken out, contact us today to schedule an appointment at (269) 883-1674.