Dental crowns are a way for dentists to repair a tooth that might have experienced significant damage within the smile. This includes teeth with trauma, chips, or large, deep cavities that have become significant enough to impact the natural tooth structure. When this happens, Dr. Earl E. Gaball in Battle Creek, Michigan, will suggest a dental crown. However, dental crowns will not last forever and need to be replaced periodically. At Earl E. Gaball, DDS, we offer replacement dental crowns that can be obtained from our professional staff.
A cosmetic dental crown is a common dental restoration used to strengthen and repair a significantly damaged tooth. The dental crown “caps” the damaged tooth with a porcelain restoration that matches the natural smile’s size, shape, and color. Dental crowns are standard and can be easy to care for and replace.
When a dental crown ages, it can become more susceptible to damage. It may also lose its bond to the natural tooth. If you have a loose or damaged crown, Dr. Earl E. Gaball will evaluate your dental crown and its integrity to decide if it can be recemented into place or must be wholly replaced.
Several factors might come into play when determining the longevity of a dental crown or other porcelain restoration. With proper oral health and hygiene habits at home, paired with regular visits to the dentist for oral hygiene care and evaluations, you can expect your cosmetic dental crown to last many years before needing replacement. If, during an evaluation, Dr. Earl E. Gaball determines a crown needs replacement, he will make the recommendation and talk to you about your choices.
Consider dental crown replacement with Dr. Earl E. Gaball. Call (269) 883-1674 to schedule your appointment today!
His Battle Creek, MI, area office is open to new and returning individuals in and around Marshall, Kalamazoo, Athens, Climax, Albion, Jackson, Charlotte, Hastings, and Galesburg, MI.