It’s no secret that dental implants cost significantly more than any other tooth restoration. However, because of the quality and long-lasting benefits they offer, dental implants are worth the investment. But implants still require the proper care if you want them to last longer, which is why at Smile Dental Clinic, Dr. Earl Gaball and his team provide outstanding dental implant aftercare for their patients.
After your implant procedure, practicing good oral hygiene will be your responsibility to ensure your implant’s optimum appearance and function. Your implants are a lot like your natural teeth, which means it’s essential to keep them clean and your mouth healthy to avoid issues down the road.
Maintenance will also entail routine visits to Dr. Gaball’s practice for cleaning and checkups. But with proper care, your implants can last for many years.
Here are a few common implant aftercare questions and answers.
It’s normal for some minor bleeding after undergoing dental implant placement. Dr. Gaball may tell you to apply pressure on the implant area by biting firmly onto a gauze pad for an hour or so. After removing the gauze pad, replace it with another and repeat every 30 minutes until the bleeding subsides. If the bleeding continues in the improbable event, place a moistened tea bag onto the implant area and bite down for 30 minutes. The tea leaves contain tannic acid that well promotes blood clotting.
Typically, implant placements bleed less than tooth extractions since the implant fills a gap, leaving no open extraction site that requires healing.
It’s best only to have cold drinks following your surgery. Also, it’s imperative to stay hydrated. Avoid consuming hot beverages, spicy or hot-temperature food, and alcohol. Do not consume food until the local anesthetic has worn off. Eating meals will be a challenge for the first couple of days but try to eat plenty of healthy foods such as soft vegetables.
Softer foods are preferable. Avoid food such as seeded fruit and popcorn as they can get stuck in your gums and cause an infection. The typical timeframe for most patients to return to their regular eating routine is between seven and ten days.
After your procedure, Dr. Gaball might suggest that you take your first dose of pain relief medication after the anesthetic wears off. You can take the maximum quantity stated on the drug from that point. Over-the-counter pain medication should be sufficient to relieve any lingering pain you experience.
If you experience increased swelling and pain a few days after your surgery, contact Dr. Gaball right away so he can examine your implant and recommend the best course of action.
Learn more about dental implant aftercare best practices by contacting Smile Dental Clinic, to schedule your consultation with Dr. Earl Gaball. Our phone number is (269) 883-1674, and our office is located at 250 North Ave, Battle Creek, MI.